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In support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

5 Min read

5th May 2022

In support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Tom and Victoria Dixon of Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres with Merleen Watson, Vicky Ryan and hearing dog Grace of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People at the Worcester Hearing Show 2015

Since 2011, Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres have been in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. When we used to run our Hearing Shows in Worcester and Stratford-Upon-Avon, they were always present creating awareness by doing presentations about what Hearing Dogs for Deaf People do and how the dogs are trained.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People train dogs to alert deaf people to important and life-saving sounds they would otherwise miss –  sounds that many people take for granted like the doorbell, alarm clock and even danger signals like the fire alarm. Being aware of these – thanks to a hearing dog – makes a real difference to deaf people’s lives, and can even save them.


Hearing dogs help deaf people reconnect with life
Deafness can be very isolating. A hearing dog can give a deaf person a newfound sense of independence and confidence now they have a loyal companion and a true friend by their side.


We are very happy to share that we are sponsoring 3 wonderful puppies in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People:


The happy chappy

Sponsoring Cooper - Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Likes: Snoozing and running about
Dislikes: Any time he doesn’t have food

Cooper is content when he’s snoozing, thrilled when he’s playing in the garden, and blissful when playing with other puppies. Overall, he’s a happy chappy!

His Volunteer Puppy Trainer Clare explains: “Cooper loves playing with another hearing dog in training whom we’re looking after. They play together, run around lots, and then sleep cuddled up to each other. It’s so cute.”

Indeed, Cooper has a lovely life in which everything is a delight.

Sponsoring Cooper - Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Back to Clare: “He loves running off with our garden shoes – in fact, any of our shoes, especially those with laces, and especially those we’re about to wear, oddly enough.
“Outdoors, he adores watching the birds on the feeders, plus the squirrels, which fascinate him. Indoors, he even sleeps cheerfully, with little puppy snuffles as he dreams about, presumably, shoes, laces, birds and squirrels.”

Cooper’s favourite places are the garden, and his bed in the kitchen. So, between active times frolicking in the garden, and sleepy times all curled up in his fleecy bed, what else does Cooper like?
“Food,” says Clare. “Always food. He’s a Labrador after all!”

Ah yes, Labradors and their food. Cooper’s happiness is matched only by his love of food. This makes him a happy chappy with a bit of puppy fat. But don’t worry, he’ll grow into his skin. One day he’ll be magnificent, glossy and sleek, and will change a deaf person’s life, and spread his happiness far and wide.



The cheeky little monkey

Sponsoring Teddy - Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Likes: Running around in circles
Dislikes: Staying still

Who calls Teddy a cheeky little monkey? Peter and Hazel, his Volunteer Puppy Trainers, that’s who!

When he went to live with them, he was all sweetness and light. “His first night was very good,” Peter tells us. “He cuddled his dog-shaped hot water bottle and went fast asleep, not waking up until six o’clock the next morning, which was quite amazing. Not a squeak all night.”

Since then, he’s made himself very much at home. “He loves visitors of all shapes and sizes,” says Hazel. “He has learned that ‘doorbell = visitor = fun.’” Who’d have thought a small puppy could do mental arithmetic like that?

Sponsoring Teddy - Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

And as he’s grown in confidence, he’s become a bit cheeky, a bit mischievous… but he’s so cute he can get away with it.

Peter explains: “Around tea-time, he’ll have a sudden spurt of energy. He races from one room to the next and back again, jumping around on our rugs. He repeats this several times before stopping, looking at us with the cutest of smiles, and then setting off again for more laps!”

So the rugs are all a bit of a mess now, but it’s alright, because Teddy’s cute!

He’s soft and cuddly, just like a Teddy bear – provided you can catch him as he does his circuits of Peter and Hazel’s house.



The good-natured little girl

Sponsoring Lily - Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Likes: Gentle cuddles
Dislikes: Being disturbed while snoozing

Lily is an absolutely gorgeous little Cocker Spaniel!

Her markings are so distinctive, with that classic blue roan ‘smoky’ look. She hasn’t quite got the hang of her ears yet, and tends to fall over them. Same with her gangly puppy legs. It’s so cute!

She’s also very cute indeed when she snuggles on your shoulder and falls asleep, emitting hot little puppy snuffles right into your ear.

Everything about Lily is soft, gentle and good-natured. She’ll go for a little explore in a new place and then, happy that everything is as it should be, will plonk herself down and have a snooze. She’ll play with her toys quietly to herself. She’ll meet new potential friends – dogs, cats, socks – in the same, peaceable way.

Sponsoring Lily - Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Did we say everything? Not quite! You see, she’s also a puppy with a sense of fun. She occasionally enjoys a bit of tug-o-war with her toys too, and she’s fascinated by her Volunteer Puppy Trainer’s own pet dog. She would like to play tug-o-war with his tail too! But don’t worry, it’s just a big, furry, waggy thing that fascinates her.

Back to the soft-hearted, sweet-tempered Lily. When you’re around her, there’s a sense of calm and peace. One day, a deaf person who may be feeling anxious or scared will really benefit from this little girl’s tender, patient love.


Would you like to support Hearing Dogs for Deaf People?

You can find a donation box in reception at Worcester Hearing Centre and Stratford Hearing Centre.

Alternatively, you can visit the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People website to donate or sponsor a puppy by clicking below:

Sponsor a puppy - Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres in support of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

If you would like more information you can contact your nearest practice, we would be happy to help.

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Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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Do you suffer from hearing loss?

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Do the people around you seem to mumble and not speak clearly?

Do you tend to go out less because it is hard for you to follow other people's conversations?

Has anyone ever told you that they often have to repeat things to you?

Is it difficult for you to follow other people's conversations in noisy environments, for example, in restaurants?

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